NLnet Labs is actively engaged within the operator and engineering communities. Our team members play an active role in workshops and working groups, making substantial contributions to the essential initiatives within these communities.


Benno Overeinder represents NLnet Labs as an observing member of the Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries (CENTR), the association that brings together the community of mainly European country code top level domain operators (ccTLDs).


Benno Overeinder serves on the board of the DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (DNS-OARC), which brings together key operators, implementors, and researchers on a trusted platform so they can coordinate responses to attacks and other concerns, share information and learn together.

Willem Toorop is a member of the DNS-OARC Programme Committee, which consists of seven volunteers whose role is to solicit and review material for OARC Workshops and other meetings.


Willem Toorop and Jaap Akkerhuis are members of the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) Caucus, which is responsible for advising the ICANN community and Board on matters relating to the operation, administration, security, and integrity of the Internet's Root Server System.

NLUUG program committee

Willem Toorop is a fourth year program committee member for the biannual NLUUG conference. NLUUG is an association for (professional) users of UNIX/Linux, Open Source, Open Systems and Open Standards in the Netherlands. The NLUUG community includes system administrators, programmers and network specialists.

RIPE DNS Working Group

Willem Toorop is a co-chair of the RIPE community's DNS Working Group. The DNS Working Group discusses current DNS related issues in technology and operations. The working group encourages deployment of DNS and DNS related protocol components by collecting experience and documenting current practice and recommendations. It therefore provides a mechanism for exchanging practical and operational experience with organisations like CENTR and the IETF.

RustNL & RustWeek conferences

Alex Band and Terts Diepraam are co-organisers and hosts of the RustNL and RustWeek conferences. These conferences are organised by Stichting Rust Nederland, a non-profit that strives to promote the implementation of the Rust programming language in the Netherlands and Europe.