Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * special zone file structures and functions for better dnssec handling
3  *
4  * A zone contains a SOA dnssec_zone_rrset, and an AVL tree of 'normal'
5  * dnssec_zone_rrsets, indexed by name and type
6  */
11 #include <ldns/rbtree.h>
12 #include <ldns/host2str.h>
14 #ifdef __cplusplus
15 extern "C" {
16 #endif
23 {
26 };
33 {
38 };
46 {
81  bool is_glue;
86 };
103 };
144 void ldns_dnssec_rrs_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs);
153 void ldns_dnssec_rrs_print_fmt(FILE *out,
154  const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs);
194  ldns_rr_type type);
213 void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_print(FILE *out,
214  const ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets,
215  bool follow);
225 void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_print_fmt(FILE *out,
226  const ldns_output_format *fmt,
227  const ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets,
228  bool follow);
276  ldns_rdf *dname);
308 int ldns_dnssec_name_cmp(const void *a, const void *b);
319  ldns_rr *rr);
329  ldns_rr_type type);
340  const ldns_rdf *dname,
341  ldns_rr_type type);
350 void ldns_dnssec_name_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_name *name);
360 void ldns_dnssec_name_print_fmt(FILE *out,
361  const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_name *name);
380  const ldns_rdf* origin, uint32_t ttl, ldns_rr_class c);
394  const ldns_rdf* origin, uint32_t ttl, ldns_rr_class c, int* line_nr);
421  ldns_rr *rr);
430 void ldns_dnssec_zone_names_print(FILE *out, const ldns_rbtree_t *tree, bool print_soa);
440 void ldns_dnssec_zone_names_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt,
441  const ldns_rbtree_t *tree, bool print_soa);
449 void ldns_dnssec_zone_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone);
458 void ldns_dnssec_zone_print_fmt(FILE *out,
459  const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone);
481 #ifdef __cplusplus
482 }
483 #endif
485 #endif
void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_free(ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets)
Frees the list of rrsets and their rrs, but not the ldns_rr records in the sets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:134
void ldns_dnssec_zone_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Prints the complete zone to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1081
void ldns_dnssec_zone_names_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_rbtree_t *tree, signed char print_soa)
Prints the rbtree of ldns_dnssec_name structures to the file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1056
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_zone_verify_zonemd(ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1759
ldns_dnssec_rrsets * ldns_dnssec_zone_find_rrset(const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone, const ldns_rdf *dname, ldns_rr_type type)
Find the RRset with the given name and type in the zone.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:509
void ldns_dnssec_rrs_deep_free(ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs)
Frees the list of rrs, and the individual ldns_rr records contained in the list.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:41
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_rrs_add_rr(ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs, ldns_rr *rr)
Adds an RR to the list of RRs.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:47
void ldns_dnssec_zone_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Prints the complete zone to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1109
void ldns_dnssec_name_deep_free(ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Frees the name structure and its rrs and rrsets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:389
void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets, signed char follow)
Print the given list of rrsets to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:310
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_zone_new_frm_fp_l(ldns_dnssec_zone **z, FILE *fp, const ldns_rdf *origin, uint32_t ttl, ldns_rr_class c, int *line_nr)
Create a new dnssec zone from a file, keep track of the line numbering.
void ldns_dnssec_name_set_name(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rdf *dname)
Sets the domain name of the given dnssec_name structure.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:413
void ldns_dnssec_name_free(ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Frees the name structure and its rrs and rrsets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:383
ldns_dnssec_name * ldns_dnssec_name_new(void)
Create a new data structure for a dnssec name.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:317
void ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr *nsec)
Sets the NSEC(3) RR of the given dnssec_name structure.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:423
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_name_add_rr(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr *rr)
Inserts the given rr at the right place in the current dnssec_name No checking is done whether the na...
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:449
void ldns_dnssec_zone_names_print(FILE *out, const ldns_rbtree_t *tree, signed char print_soa)
Prints the rbtree of ldns_dnssec_name structures to the file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1074
void ldns_dnssec_rrs_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs)
Prints the given rrs to the file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:80
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_zone_add_rr(ldns_dnssec_zone *zone, ldns_rr *rr)
Adds the given RR to the zone.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1002
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_rrsets_add_rr(ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets, ldns_rr *rr)
Add an ldns_rr to the corresponding RRset in the given list of RRsets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:193
void ldns_dnssec_rrs_free(ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs)
Frees the list of rrs, but not the individual ldns_rr records contained in the list.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:35
ldns_dnssec_name * ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr(ldns_rr *rr)
Create a new data structure for a dnssec name for the given RR.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:342
ldns_dnssec_rrsets * ldns_dnssec_rrsets_new(void)
Creates a new list (entry) of RRsets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:104
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_zone_add_empty_nonterminals(ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Adds explicit dnssec_name structures for the empty nonterminals in this zone.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1254
ldns_rdf * ldns_dnssec_name_name(const ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Returns the domain name of the given dnssec_name structure.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:395
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_zone_new_frm_fp(ldns_dnssec_zone **z, FILE *fp, const ldns_rdf *origin, uint32_t ttl, ldns_rr_class c)
Create a new dnssec zone from a file.
signed char ldns_dnssec_name_is_glue(const ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Returns if dnssec_name structure is marked as glue.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:404
void ldns_dnssec_zone_free(ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Frees the given zone structure, and its rbtree of dnssec_names Individual ldns_rr RRs within those na...
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:865
signed char ldns_dnssec_zone_is_nsec3_optout(const ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
If a NSEC3PARAM is available in the apex, walks the zone and returns true on the first optout nsec3.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:1260
void ldns_dnssec_rrs_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_rrs *rrs)
Prints the given rrs to the file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:97
void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_deep_free(ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets)
Frees the list of rrsets and their rrs, and the ldns_rr records in the sets.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:140
void ldns_dnssec_name_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Prints the RRs in the dnssec name structure to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:556
ldns_dnssec_rrs * ldns_dnssec_rrs_new(void)
Creates a new entry for 1 pointer to an rr and 1 pointer to the next rrs.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:10
void ldns_dnssec_zone_deep_free(ldns_dnssec_zone *zone)
Frees the given zone structure, and its rbtree of dnssec_names Individual ldns_rr RRs within those na...
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:885
void ldns_dnssec_rrsets_print_fmt(FILE *out, const ldns_output_format *fmt, const ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets, signed char follow)
Print the given list of rrsets to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:302
ldns_dnssec_rrsets * ldns_dnssec_name_find_rrset(const ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr_type type)
Find the RRset with the given type in within this name structure.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:493
ldns_status ldns_dnssec_rrsets_set_type(ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets, ldns_rr_type type)
Sets the RR type of the rrset (that is head of the given list)
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:156
void ldns_dnssec_name_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_name *name)
Prints the RRs in the dnssec name structure to the given file descriptor.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:563
int ldns_dnssec_name_cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
Compares the domain names of the two arguments in their canonical ordering.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:431
ldns_dnssec_zone * ldns_dnssec_zone_new(void)
Creates a new dnssec_zone structure.
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:570
ldns_rr_type ldns_dnssec_rrsets_type(const ldns_dnssec_rrsets *rrsets)
Returns the rr type of the rrset (that is head of the given list)
Definition: dnssec_zone.c:146
enum ldns_enum_status ldns_status
Definition: error.h:148
host2str.h - txt presentation of RRs
Red black tree.
enum ldns_enum_rr_type ldns_rr_type
Definition: rr.h:251
enum ldns_enum_rr_class ldns_rr_class
Definition: rr.h:61
definition for tree struct
Definition: rbtree.h:83
ldns_dnssec_rrs * nsec_signatures
signatures for the NSEC record
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:71
ldns_rr * nsec
NSEC pointing to the next name (or NSEC3 pointing to the next NSEC3)
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:67
signed char name_alloced
Usually, the name is a pointer to the owner name of the first rr for this name, but sometimes there i...
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:59
ldns_rdf * hashed_name
pointer to store the hashed name (only used when in an NSEC3 zone
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:85
ldns_dnssec_rrsets * rrsets
The rrsets for this name.
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:63
signed char is_glue
Unlike what the name is_glue suggests, this field is set to true by ldns_dnssec_zone_mark_glue() or l...
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:81
ldns_rdf * name
pointer to a dname containing the name.
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:51
ldns_dnssec_rrs * next
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:25
ldns_dnssec_rrs * rrs
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:34
ldns_dnssec_rrs * signatures
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:36
ldns_dnssec_rrsets * next
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:37
Structure containing a dnssec zone.
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:91
ldns_rbtree_t * hashed_names
tree of ldns_dnssec_names by nsec3 hashes (when applicable)
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:97
ldns_rbtree_t * names
tree of ldns_dnssec_names
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:95
ldns_rr * _nsec3params
points to the first added NSEC3 rr whose parameters will be assumed for all subsequent NSEC3 rr's and...
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:102
ldns_dnssec_name * soa
points to the name containing the SOA RR
Definition: dnssec_zone.h:93
Output format specifier.
Definition: host2str.h:89
Resource record data field.
Definition: rdata.h:197
Resource Record.
Definition: rr.h:318