Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * tsig.c
3  *
4  * contains the functions needed for TSIG [RFC2845]
5  *
6  * (c) 2005-2006 NLnet Labs
7  * See the file LICENSE for the license
8  */
10 #include <ldns/config.h>
12 #include <ldns/ldns.h>
14 #include <strings.h>
16 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
17 #include <openssl/hmac.h>
18 #include <openssl/md5.h>
19 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
21 const char *
23 {
24  return tc->algorithm;
25 }
27 const char *
29 {
30  return tc->keyname;
31 }
33 const char *
35 {
36  return tc->keydata;
37 }
39 char *
41 {
42  return strdup(tc->keyname);
43 }
45 char *
47 {
48  return strdup(tc->keydata);
49 }
51 /*
52  * Makes an exact copy of the wire, but with the tsig rr removed
53  */
54 static uint8_t *
55 ldns_tsig_prepare_pkt_wire(const uint8_t *wire, size_t wire_len, size_t *result_len)
56 {
57  uint8_t *wire2 = NULL;
58  uint16_t qd_count;
59  uint16_t an_count;
60  uint16_t ns_count;
61  uint16_t ar_count;
62  ldns_rr *rr;
64  size_t pos;
65  uint16_t i;
67  ldns_status status;
69  if(wire_len < LDNS_HEADER_SIZE) {
70  return NULL;
71  }
72  /* fake parse the wire */
73  qd_count = LDNS_QDCOUNT(wire);
74  an_count = LDNS_ANCOUNT(wire);
75  ns_count = LDNS_NSCOUNT(wire);
76  ar_count = LDNS_ARCOUNT(wire);
78  if (ar_count > 0) {
79  ar_count--;
80  } else {
81  return NULL;
82  }
86  for (i = 0; i < qd_count; i++) {
87  status = ldns_wire2rr(&rr, wire, wire_len, &pos, LDNS_SECTION_QUESTION);
88  if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
89  return NULL;
90  }
91  ldns_rr_free(rr);
92  }
94  for (i = 0; i < an_count; i++) {
95  status = ldns_wire2rr(&rr, wire, wire_len, &pos, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER);
96  if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
97  return NULL;
98  }
99  ldns_rr_free(rr);
100  }
102  for (i = 0; i < ns_count; i++) {
103  status = ldns_wire2rr(&rr, wire, wire_len, &pos, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY);
104  if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
105  return NULL;
106  }
107  ldns_rr_free(rr);
108  }
110  for (i = 0; i < ar_count; i++) {
111  status = ldns_wire2rr(&rr, wire, wire_len, &pos,
113  if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
114  return NULL;
115  }
116  ldns_rr_free(rr);
117  }
119  *result_len = pos;
120  wire2 = LDNS_XMALLOC(uint8_t, *result_len);
121  if(!wire2) {
122  return NULL;
123  }
124  memcpy(wire2, wire, *result_len);
126  ldns_write_uint16(wire2 + LDNS_ARCOUNT_OFF, ar_count);
128  return wire2;
129 }
131 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
132 static const EVP_MD *
133 ldns_digest_function(char *name)
134 {
135  /* these are the mandatory algorithms from RFC4635 */
136  /* The optional algorithms are not yet implemented */
137  if (strcasecmp(name, "hmac-sha512.") == 0) {
138 #ifdef HAVE_EVP_SHA512
139  return EVP_sha512();
140 #else
141  return NULL;
142 #endif
143  } else if (strcasecmp(name, "hmac-shac384.") == 0) {
144 #ifdef HAVE_EVP_SHA384
145  return EVP_sha384();
146 #else
147  return NULL;
148 #endif
149  } else if (strcasecmp(name, "hmac-sha256.") == 0) {
150 #ifdef HAVE_EVP_SHA256
151  return EVP_sha256();
152 #else
153  return NULL;
154 #endif
155  } else if (strcasecmp(name, "hmac-sha1.") == 0) {
156  return EVP_sha1();
157  } else if (strcasecmp(name, "hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int.") == 0) {
158  return EVP_md5();
159  } else {
160  return NULL;
161  }
162 }
163 #endif
165 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
166 static ldns_status
167 ldns_tsig_mac_new(ldns_rdf **tsig_mac, const uint8_t *pkt_wire, size_t pkt_wire_size,
168  const char *key_data, const ldns_rdf *key_name_rdf, const ldns_rdf *fudge_rdf,
169  const ldns_rdf *algorithm_rdf, const ldns_rdf *time_signed_rdf, const ldns_rdf *error_rdf,
170  const ldns_rdf *other_data_rdf, const ldns_rdf *orig_mac_rdf, int tsig_timers_only)
171 {
172  ldns_status status;
173  char *wireformat;
174  int wiresize;
175  unsigned char *mac_bytes = NULL;
176  unsigned char *key_bytes = NULL;
177  int key_size;
178  const EVP_MD *digester;
179  char *algorithm_name = NULL;
180  unsigned int md_len = EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE;
181  ldns_rdf *result = NULL;
182  ldns_buffer *data_buffer = NULL;
183  ldns_rdf *canonical_key_name_rdf = NULL;
184  ldns_rdf *canonical_algorithm_rdf = NULL;
186  if (key_name_rdf == NULL || algorithm_rdf == NULL) {
187  return LDNS_STATUS_NULL;
188  }
189  canonical_key_name_rdf = ldns_rdf_clone(key_name_rdf);
190  if (canonical_key_name_rdf == NULL) {
191  return LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
192  }
193  canonical_algorithm_rdf = ldns_rdf_clone(algorithm_rdf);
194  if (canonical_algorithm_rdf == NULL) {
195  ldns_rdf_deep_free(canonical_key_name_rdf);
196  return LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
197  }
198  /*
199  * prepare the digestible information
200  */
201  data_buffer = ldns_buffer_new(LDNS_MAX_PACKETLEN);
202  if (!data_buffer) {
203  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
204  goto clean;
205  }
206  /* if orig_mac is not NULL, add it too */
207  if (orig_mac_rdf) {
208  (void) ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer, orig_mac_rdf);
209  }
210  ldns_buffer_write(data_buffer, pkt_wire, pkt_wire_size);
211  if (!tsig_timers_only) {
212  ldns_dname2canonical(canonical_key_name_rdf);
213  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer,
214  canonical_key_name_rdf);
215  ldns_buffer_write_u16(data_buffer, LDNS_RR_CLASS_ANY);
216  ldns_buffer_write_u32(data_buffer, 0);
217  ldns_dname2canonical(canonical_algorithm_rdf);
218  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer,
219  canonical_algorithm_rdf);
220  }
221  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer, time_signed_rdf);
222  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer, fudge_rdf);
223  if (!tsig_timers_only) {
224  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer, error_rdf);
225  (void)ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(data_buffer, other_data_rdf);
226  }
228  wireformat = (char *) data_buffer->_data;
229  wiresize = (int) ldns_buffer_position(data_buffer);
231  algorithm_name = ldns_rdf2str(algorithm_rdf);
232  if(!algorithm_name) {
233  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
234  goto clean;
235  }
237  /* prepare the key */
238  key_bytes = LDNS_XMALLOC(unsigned char,
239  ldns_b64_pton_calculate_size(strlen(key_data)));
240  if(!key_bytes) {
241  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
242  goto clean;
243  }
244  key_size = ldns_b64_pton(key_data, key_bytes,
245  ldns_b64_pton_calculate_size(strlen(key_data)));
246  if (key_size < 0) {
247  status = LDNS_STATUS_INVALID_B64;
248  goto clean;
249  }
250  /* hmac it */
251  /* 2 spare bytes for the length */
252  mac_bytes = LDNS_XMALLOC(unsigned char, md_len+2);
253  if(!mac_bytes) {
254  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
255  goto clean;
256  }
257  memset(mac_bytes, 0, md_len+2);
259  digester = ldns_digest_function(algorithm_name);
261  if (digester) {
262  (void) HMAC(digester, key_bytes, key_size, (void *)wireformat,
263  (size_t) wiresize, mac_bytes + 2, &md_len);
265  ldns_write_uint16(mac_bytes, md_len);
266  result = ldns_rdf_new_frm_data(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_INT16_DATA, md_len + 2,
267  mac_bytes);
268  } else {
270  goto clean;
271  }
272  *tsig_mac = result;
273  status = LDNS_STATUS_OK;
274  clean:
275  LDNS_FREE(mac_bytes);
276  LDNS_FREE(key_bytes);
277  LDNS_FREE(algorithm_name);
278  ldns_buffer_free(data_buffer);
279  ldns_rdf_deep_free(canonical_algorithm_rdf);
280  ldns_rdf_deep_free(canonical_key_name_rdf);
281  return status;
282 }
283 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
286 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
287 bool
288 ldns_pkt_tsig_verify(ldns_pkt *pkt, const uint8_t *wire, size_t wirelen, const char *key_name,
289  const char *key_data, const ldns_rdf *orig_mac_rdf)
290 {
291  return ldns_pkt_tsig_verify_next(pkt, wire, wirelen, key_name, key_data, orig_mac_rdf, 0);
292 }
294 bool
295 ldns_pkt_tsig_verify_next(ldns_pkt *pkt, const uint8_t *wire, size_t wirelen, const char* key_name,
296  const char *key_data, const ldns_rdf *orig_mac_rdf, int tsig_timers_only)
297 {
298  ldns_rdf *fudge_rdf;
299  ldns_rdf *algorithm_rdf;
300  ldns_rdf *time_signed_rdf;
301  ldns_rdf *orig_id_rdf;
302  ldns_rdf *error_rdf;
303  ldns_rdf *other_data_rdf;
304  ldns_rdf *pkt_mac_rdf;
305  ldns_rdf *my_mac_rdf;
306  ldns_rdf *key_name_rdf = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME, key_name);
307  uint16_t pkt_id, orig_pkt_id;
308  ldns_status status;
310  uint8_t *prepared_wire = NULL;
311  size_t prepared_wire_size = 0;
313  ldns_rr *orig_tsig = ldns_pkt_tsig(pkt);
315  if (!orig_tsig || ldns_rr_rd_count(orig_tsig) <= 6) {
316  ldns_rdf_deep_free(key_name_rdf);
317  return false;
318  }
319  algorithm_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 0);
320  time_signed_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 1);
321  fudge_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 2);
322  pkt_mac_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 3);
323  orig_id_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 4);
324  error_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 5);
325  other_data_rdf = ldns_rr_rdf(orig_tsig, 6);
327  /* remove temporarily */
328  ldns_pkt_set_tsig(pkt, NULL);
329  /* temporarily change the id to the original id */
330  pkt_id = ldns_pkt_id(pkt);
331  orig_pkt_id = ldns_rdf2native_int16(orig_id_rdf);
332  ldns_pkt_set_id(pkt, orig_pkt_id);
334  prepared_wire = ldns_tsig_prepare_pkt_wire(wire, wirelen, &prepared_wire_size);
336  status = ldns_tsig_mac_new(&my_mac_rdf, prepared_wire, prepared_wire_size,
337  key_data, key_name_rdf, fudge_rdf, algorithm_rdf,
338  time_signed_rdf, error_rdf, other_data_rdf, orig_mac_rdf, tsig_timers_only);
340  LDNS_FREE(prepared_wire);
342  if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
343  ldns_rdf_deep_free(key_name_rdf);
344  return false;
345  }
346  /* Put back the values */
347  ldns_pkt_set_tsig(pkt, orig_tsig);
348  ldns_pkt_set_id(pkt, pkt_id);
350  ldns_rdf_deep_free(key_name_rdf);
352  if( ldns_rdf_size(pkt_mac_rdf) != ldns_rdf_size(my_mac_rdf)) {
353  ldns_rdf_deep_free(my_mac_rdf);
354  return false;
355  }
356  /* use time insensitive memory compare */
357  if(
359  CRYPTO_memcmp
360 #else
361  memcmp
362 #endif
363  (ldns_rdf_data(pkt_mac_rdf), ldns_rdf_data(my_mac_rdf),
364  ldns_rdf_size(my_mac_rdf)) == 0) {
365  ldns_rdf_deep_free(my_mac_rdf);
366  return true;
367  } else {
368  ldns_rdf_deep_free(my_mac_rdf);
369  return false;
370  }
371 }
372 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
374 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
376 ldns_pkt_tsig_sign(ldns_pkt *pkt, const char *key_name, const char *key_data,
377  uint16_t fudge, const char *algorithm_name, const ldns_rdf *query_mac)
378 {
379  return ldns_pkt_tsig_sign_next(pkt, key_name, key_data, fudge, algorithm_name, query_mac, 0);
380 }
383 ldns_pkt_tsig_sign_next(ldns_pkt *pkt, const char *key_name, const char *key_data,
384  uint16_t fudge, const char *algorithm_name, const ldns_rdf *query_mac, int tsig_timers_only)
385 {
386  ldns_rr *tsig_rr;
387  ldns_rdf *key_name_rdf = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME, key_name);
388  ldns_rdf *fudge_rdf = NULL;
389  ldns_rdf *orig_id_rdf = NULL;
390  ldns_rdf *algorithm_rdf;
391  ldns_rdf *error_rdf = NULL;
392  ldns_rdf *mac_rdf = NULL;
393  ldns_rdf *other_data_rdf = NULL;
395  ldns_status status = LDNS_STATUS_OK;
397  uint8_t *pkt_wire = NULL;
398  size_t pkt_wire_len;
400  struct timeval tv_time_signed;
401  uint8_t *time_signed = NULL;
402  ldns_rdf *time_signed_rdf = NULL;
404  algorithm_rdf = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME, algorithm_name);
405  if(!key_name_rdf || !algorithm_rdf) {
406  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
407  goto clean;
408  }
410  /* eww don't have create tsigtime rdf yet :( */
411  /* bleh :p */
412  if (gettimeofday(&tv_time_signed, NULL) == 0) {
413  time_signed = LDNS_XMALLOC(uint8_t, 6);
414  if(!time_signed) {
415  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
416  goto clean;
417  }
418  ldns_write_uint64_as_uint48(time_signed,
419  (uint64_t)tv_time_signed.tv_sec);
420  } else {
422  goto clean;
423  }
425  time_signed_rdf = ldns_rdf_new(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_TSIGTIME, 6, time_signed);
426  if(!time_signed_rdf) {
427  LDNS_FREE(time_signed);
428  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
429  goto clean;
430  }
432  fudge_rdf = ldns_native2rdf_int16(LDNS_RDF_TYPE_INT16, fudge);
438  other_data_rdf = ldns_native2rdf_int16_data(0, NULL);
440  if(!fudge_rdf || !orig_id_rdf || !error_rdf || !other_data_rdf) {
441  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
442  goto clean;
443  }
445  if (ldns_pkt2wire(&pkt_wire, pkt, &pkt_wire_len) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) {
446  status = LDNS_STATUS_ERR;
447  goto clean;
448  }
450  status = ldns_tsig_mac_new(&mac_rdf, pkt_wire, pkt_wire_len,
451  key_data, key_name_rdf, fudge_rdf, algorithm_rdf,
452  time_signed_rdf, error_rdf, other_data_rdf, query_mac, tsig_timers_only);
454  if (!mac_rdf) {
455  goto clean;
456  }
458  LDNS_FREE(pkt_wire);
460  /* Create the TSIG RR */
461  tsig_rr = ldns_rr_new();
462  if(!tsig_rr) {
463  status = LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR;
464  goto clean;
465  }
466  ldns_rr_set_owner(tsig_rr, key_name_rdf);
469  ldns_rr_set_ttl(tsig_rr, 0);
471  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, algorithm_rdf);
472  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, time_signed_rdf);
473  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, fudge_rdf);
474  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, mac_rdf);
475  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, orig_id_rdf);
476  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, error_rdf);
477  ldns_rr_push_rdf(tsig_rr, other_data_rdf);
479  ldns_pkt_set_tsig(pkt, tsig_rr);
481  return status;
483  clean:
484  LDNS_FREE(pkt_wire);
485  ldns_rdf_free(key_name_rdf);
486  ldns_rdf_free(algorithm_rdf);
487  ldns_rdf_free(time_signed_rdf);
488  ldns_rdf_free(fudge_rdf);
489  ldns_rdf_free(orig_id_rdf);
490  ldns_rdf_free(error_rdf);
491  ldns_rdf_free(other_data_rdf);
492  return status;
493 }
494 #endif /* HAVE_SSL */
void ldns_buffer_free(ldns_buffer *buffer)
frees the buffer.
Definition: buffer.c:137
ldns_buffer * ldns_buffer_new(size_t capacity)
creates a new buffer with the specified capacity.
Definition: buffer.c:16
Definition: config.h:44
int ldns_b64_pton(char const *src, uint8_t *target, size_t targsize)
void ldns_dname2canonical(const ldns_rdf *rdf)
Put a dname into canonical fmt - ie.
Definition: dname.c:280
Definition: error.h:51
Definition: error.h:37
Definition: error.h:34
Definition: error.h:35
Definition: error.h:52
Definition: error.h:26
Definition: error.h:43
enum ldns_enum_status ldns_status
Definition: error.h:148
char * ldns_rdf2str(const ldns_rdf *rdf)
Converts the data in the rdata field to presentation format and returns that as a char *.
Definition: host2str.c:3276
ldns_status ldns_pkt2wire(uint8_t **dest, const ldns_pkt *p, size_t *size)
Allocates an array of uint8_t at dest, and puts the wireformat of the given packet in that array.
Definition: host2wire.c:512
ldns_status ldns_rdf2buffer_wire(ldns_buffer *output, const ldns_rdf *rdf)
Copies the rdata data to the buffer in wire format.
Definition: host2wire.c:109
Including this file will include all ldns files, and define some lookup tables.
Definition: packet.h:24
ldns_rr * ldns_pkt_tsig(const ldns_pkt *p)
Return the packet's tsig pseudo rr's.
Definition: packet.c:465
uint16_t ldns_pkt_id(const ldns_pkt *p)
Read the packet id.
Definition: packet.c:40
void ldns_pkt_set_id(ldns_pkt *p, uint16_t id)
Set the packet's id.
Definition: packet.c:471
void ldns_pkt_set_tsig(ldns_pkt *p, ldns_rr *t)
Set the packet's tsig rr.
Definition: packet.c:672
Definition: packet.h:278
Definition: packet.h:279
Definition: packet.h:281
Definition: packet.h:280
void ldns_rdf_deep_free(ldns_rdf *rd)
frees a rdf structure and frees the data.
Definition: rdata.c:230
ldns_rdf * ldns_rdf_new(ldns_rdf_type type, size_t size, void *data)
allocates a new rdf structure and fills it.
Definition: rdata.c:179
ldns_rdf * ldns_native2rdf_int16_data(size_t size, uint8_t *data)
returns an int16_data rdf that contains the data in the given array, preceded by an int16 specifying ...
Definition: rdata.c:162
uint16_t ldns_rdf2native_int16(const ldns_rdf *rd)
returns the native uint16_t representation from the rdf.
Definition: rdata.c:84
ldns_rdf * ldns_rdf_new_frm_str(ldns_rdf_type type, const char *str)
creates a new rdf from a string.
Definition: rdata.c:249
ldns_rdf * ldns_native2rdf_int16(ldns_rdf_type type, uint16_t value)
returns the rdf containing the native uint16_t representation.
Definition: rdata.c:132
domain name
Definition: rdata.h:50
variable length any type rdata where the length is specified by the first 2 bytes
Definition: rdata.h:95
16 bits
Definition: rdata.h:54
tsig time 48 bits
Definition: rdata.h:88
size_t ldns_rdf_size(const ldns_rdf *rd)
returns the size of the rdf.
Definition: rdata.c:24
uint8_t * ldns_rdf_data(const ldns_rdf *rd)
returns the data of the rdf.
Definition: rdata.c:38
void ldns_rdf_free(ldns_rdf *rd)
frees a rdf structure, leaving the data pointer intact.
Definition: rdata.c:241
ldns_rdf * ldns_rdf_clone(const ldns_rdf *rd)
clones a rdf structure.
Definition: rdata.c:222
ldns_rdf * ldns_rdf_new_frm_data(ldns_rdf_type type, size_t size, const void *data)
allocates a new rdf structure and fills it.
Definition: rdata.c:193
void ldns_rr_free(ldns_rr *rr)
frees an RR structure
Definition: rr.c:81
void ldns_rr_set_owner(ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rdf *owner)
sets the owner in the rr structure.
Definition: rr.c:808
void ldns_rr_set_type(ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rr_type rr_type)
sets the type in the rr.
Definition: rr.c:832
Definition: rr.h:216
size_t ldns_rr_rd_count(const ldns_rr *rr)
returns the rd_count of an rr structure.
Definition: rr.c:941
void ldns_rr_set_ttl(ldns_rr *rr, uint32_t ttl)
sets the ttl in the rr structure.
Definition: rr.c:820
void ldns_rr_set_class(ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rr_class rr_class)
sets the class in the rr.
Definition: rr.c:838
signed char ldns_rr_push_rdf(ldns_rr *rr, const ldns_rdf *f)
sets rd_field member, it will be placed in the next available spot.
Definition: rr.c:861
Any class.
Definition: rr.h:55
ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_rdf(const ldns_rr *rr, size_t nr)
returns the rdata field member counter.
Definition: rr.c:913
ldns_rr * ldns_rr_new(void)
creates a new rr structure.
Definition: rr.c:30
implementation of buffers to ease operations
Definition: buffer.h:51
uint8_t * _data
The data contained in the buffer.
Definition: buffer.h:62
DNS packet.
Definition: packet.h:235
Resource record data field.
Definition: rdata.h:197
Resource Record.
Definition: rr.h:318
Contains credentials for TSIG.
Definition: tsig.h:27
const char * keydata
Definition: tsig.h:30
const char * algorithm
Definition: tsig.h:28
const char * keyname
Definition: tsig.h:29
const char * ldns_tsig_keyname(const ldns_tsig_credentials *tc)
Definition: tsig.c:28
ldns_status ldns_pkt_tsig_sign_next(ldns_pkt *pkt, const char *key_name, const char *key_data, uint16_t fudge, const char *algorithm_name, const ldns_rdf *query_mac, int tsig_timers_only)
creates a tsig rr for the given packet and key.
Definition: tsig.c:383
char * ldns_tsig_keyname_clone(const ldns_tsig_credentials *tc)
Definition: tsig.c:40
signed char ldns_pkt_tsig_verify_next(ldns_pkt *pkt, const uint8_t *wire, size_t wirelen, const char *key_name, const char *key_data, const ldns_rdf *orig_mac_rdf, int tsig_timers_only)
verifies the tsig rr for the given packet and key.
Definition: tsig.c:295
const char * ldns_tsig_keydata(const ldns_tsig_credentials *tc)
Definition: tsig.c:34
const char * ldns_tsig_algorithm(const ldns_tsig_credentials *tc)
Definition: tsig.c:22
signed char ldns_pkt_tsig_verify(ldns_pkt *pkt, const uint8_t *wire, size_t wirelen, const char *key_name, const char *key_data, const ldns_rdf *orig_mac_rdf)
verifies the tsig rr for the given packet and key.
Definition: tsig.c:288
ldns_status ldns_pkt_tsig_sign(ldns_pkt *pkt, const char *key_name, const char *key_data, uint16_t fudge, const char *algorithm_name, const ldns_rdf *query_mac)
creates a tsig rr for the given packet and key.
Definition: tsig.c:376
char * ldns_tsig_keydata_clone(const ldns_tsig_credentials *tc)
Definition: tsig.c:46
#define LDNS_FREE(ptr)
Definition: util.h:60
#define LDNS_XMALLOC(type, count)
Definition: util.h:51
ldns_status ldns_wire2rr(ldns_rr **rr, const uint8_t *wire, size_t max, size_t *pos, ldns_pkt_section section)
converts the data on the uint8_t bytearray (in wire format) to a DNS resource record.
Definition: wire2host.c:318
Definition: wire2host.h:113
#define LDNS_QDCOUNT(wirebuf)
Definition: wire2host.h:102
Definition: wire2host.h:32
#define LDNS_NSCOUNT(wirebuf)
Definition: wire2host.h:110
#define LDNS_ANCOUNT(wirebuf)
Definition: wire2host.h:106
#define LDNS_ARCOUNT(wirebuf)
Definition: wire2host.h:114