Unbound 1.9.6 released

Published: Thu 12 December 2019
Last updated: Tue 17 September 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.9.6 of the Unbound recursive DNS resolver.

This release contains a number of security related fixes, contributed by X41 D-Sec. They have conducted a security audit of Unbound, funded by OSTIF. The previous CVEs fixed in 1.9.4 and 1.9.5 were the most important ones, less important fixes and side findings for more robust code have been included in this release, alongside a normal number of bug fixes.

The sort order for included config snippets is now ascending by name, it previously was reversed due to an oversight. Most config snippets do not depend on the order as they add a stub or forward zone or some server: section config entries.

For a full list of changes and binary and source packages, see the download page.

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