Routinator 0.13.1 ‘Aziz, Light!’ released

Published: Wed 24 January 2024
Last updated: Tue 17 September 2024

We are pleased to announce the latest release of Routinator, version 0.13.1 ‘Aziz, Light!’

Routinator is an RPKI relying party software that collects and validates statements in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) about allowed route origins and makes them available to the BGP workflow.

This release includes a number of smaller fixes and improvements before a the next release will see some major changes.

We have fixed the dump command’s inability to deal with missing directories, accept private key files labelled “EC PRIVATE KEY” for the HTTP and RTR TLS configuration, and now log error output of the rsync command immediately rather than collecting it and logging it all at once, possibly overwhelming syslog.

For a fill list of changes, please have a look at the release notes

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software update